Two Men Linked to Murder of British Turk Flee to Cyprus

Murder of Murat Arpapay

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Two Turkish nationals, suspected of the cold blooded murder of a British-born Turkish man are believed to have fled to Cyprus, online Turkish daily Takvim reports.

Murat Arpapay (57) who was born in England and lived there for some years, moved to Istanbul. He told a Turkish friend Ersen Başak, who he met on social media, that his parents sent him money from the UK to support him.

Reports say Arpapay became romantically involved with a 19-year old woman Muhterem Percikli, a friend of Başak. Thinking that Arpapay was financially well off, Başak allegedly conspired with the young woman and three other men, Serpil Demir, Doğan Sarıyıldız and Fatih Erginoğlu to rob him of his money.

On the day of the murder, Arpapay and his girlfriend went to his flat. They were followed by Serpil Demir, Doğan Sarıyıldız and Fatih Erginoğluto who attacked Arpapay, tied him to a chair and injected him with a chemical. They then threw his body down a ventilation shaft.

Ersen Başak, who later entered Arpapay’s flat, took the cash and fled to Georgia, while Doğan Sarıyıldız and Fatih Erginoğlu, who allegedly committed the murder, fled to Cyprus. Meanwhile, Muhterem Perçikli and Serpil Demir were arrested.

Security camera footage shows Perçikli wearing a blue wig while entering the building where her boyfriend lived.

The young woman told police that Serpil Demir, Dogan Sariyildiz, and Fatih Erginoğlu had been her accomplices.

The police investigation is ongoing.



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