The former UBP/DP/YDP coalition, led by Ersan Saner, was obliged to resign because it was repeatedly unable to form a quorum in parliament.
Chairman of the UBP government Faiz Sucuoğlu, has been registered as the 15th prime minister.
Nine of the seats are held by the UBP and two by the DP.
Accordingly, heading the ministries of the government formed under the leadership of UBP Chairman and Nicosia Deputy Faiz Sucuoğlu, as follows:
Minister of Economy and Energy Sunat Atun (UBP), Minister of Foreign Affairs Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu (UBP), Minister of Interior Kutlu Evren (UBP), Minister of Finance Dursun Oğuz (UBP), Minister of National Education and Culture Olgun Amcaoğlu (UBP), Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Nazım Çavuşoğlu (UBP), Minister of Public Works and Transport Officialye Canaltay (UBP), Minister of Health Ali Pilli (UBP), Minister of Tourism and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu (DP), and Koral Çağman (DP) became the Minister of Labor and Social Security.
New elections have been mooted for early next year.