The National Unity Party (UBP) and the Peoples’ Party (HP) are forming the 35th government of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
The two parties signed a coalition protocol in parliament on Wednesday before the UBP leader Ersin Tatar presented his cabinet to President Mustafa Akıncı.
The distribution of seats in the new government will be seven to three (7-3) with the UBP holding the majority of the cabinet.
Ersin Tatar is the new Prime Minister and Kudret Özersay retains his former posts of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister.
Tatar told reporters at the signing ceremony that they had decided to establish a serious, determined and stable coalition government with the HP.
He expressed the view that the coalition will work together in harmony.
Tatar also said that he trusted Özersay when it came to the Cyprus Problem, repeating the view that their respective parties shared the same view when it came to the Cyprus Problem.
Speaking during the ceremony, the leader of the Peoples’ Party Kudret Özersay said that the country was going through a critical phase both politically and economically, particularly in regard to the Cyprus Problem.
He said that his party had decided to enter a coalition with the National Unity Party for the sake of not leaving the country without a government and holding early elections.
He said that Ersin Tatar’s experience in the field of economics and finance will be invaluable in overcoming the economic crisis being experienced in the country.
Stating that the country had no time to lose, Özersay said that the government will be working strenuously to solve the country’s problems.
“What is more important than what is written in the coalition protocol is implementing what is in that protocol. We shall work with all our strength to do what is necessary for the welfare of the country,” Özersay concluded.
The assemblies of the two parties which convened yesterday afternoon approved the agreement reached by the two party leaders earlier in the day.
While the UBP’s party assembly unanimously voted in favour of the coalition government, the HP’s party assembly approved the agreement with a majority of 40 to 20.
Tatar’s new cabinet list presented to President Mustafa Akıncı is as follows:
Prime Minister-Ersin Tatar (UBP)
Deputy Prime Minister-Foreign Minister Kudret Özersay (HP)
Minister of Interior Ayşegül Baybars (HP)
Minister of Finance Olgun Amcaoğlu (UBP)
Minister of Health Ali Pilli (UBP)
Minister of Labour and Social Security Faiz Sucuoğlu (UBP)
Minister of National Education and Culture Nazım Çavuşoğlu (UBP)
Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Dursun Oğuz (UBP)
Minister of Economy and Energy Hasan Taçoy (UBP)
Minister of Public Works and Communication Tolga Atakan (HP)
Minister of Tourism and Environment Ünal Üstel (UBP)
Parliament will convene at 2pm for an extraordinary session to read out the new cabinet.
A handover ceremony will take place at the Prime Ministry at 3pm.