UN Resolutions on Varosha Must be Applied: Erhuman

North Cyprus News - Erhurman
Tufan Erhurman – CTP Leader

It is important that the UN Security Council’s resolutions on Varosha/Maras be applied”, leader of the Republican Turkish Party Tufan Erhurman has said.

Referring to the issue of Varosha on social media, the leader of the opposition said:

In the press release by the members of the UN Security Council on 9 October 2019, it was reiterated that there should not be any action in Varosha that does not comply with the Security Council resolutions and emphasised the importance of implementing the Security Council resolutions.

The government announced that it would open Varosha at the end of 2020, without considering the relevant Security Council resolutions”, he stated, adding that there no plans have been made with the consultation of the assembly or the president.

If we do not deal seriously with such important issues as Varosha, it is an important indicator that we will not be able to take the steps to reach a comprehensive solution, that will help us solve the problems piece by piece, and we will not take the steps that will bring us together with international law and society”, he concluded.

Elsewhere, Ozdil Nami, deputy for the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) and former negotiator in the Cyprus talks, also referred to Varosha and asked how the government’s policy on the issue would be in harmony with international law by ignoring UN Security Council Resolutions. Nami argued that they should take steps on the issue in consultation with the UN.

Yeni Duzen, Kibrisli

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