Spokesman for the UN Good Offices Mission in Cyprus, Michel Bonnardeaux will be holding bilateral meetings with Cyprus negotiators Kudret Ozersay and Andreas Mavroyiannis on Monday 14th April.
The two negotiators are currently screening issues linked to various chapters of the Cyprus negotiations and have already had disagreements as to content, process and transparency.
Last week, Greek Cypriot negotiator Mavroyiannis accused his Turkish Cypriot counterpart Kudret Ozersay of making public details of the negotiations. Ozersay responded by saying there was a need for balance between confidentiality and public transparency.
There is also a fundamental disagreement on a convergences document which the Turkish Cypriots considered to be an established part of the previous negotiations and are not up for debate, whereas the Greek Cypriot president has declared the opposite and wants to start the negotiations completely afresh.
The UN spokesmen said that the Monday meeting with the two negotiators would be held “with a view to concluding the screening and agreeing on the way forward.”
The two negotiators are scheduled to meet again on Tuesday 15th March.