The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) called on all parties to “demonstrate political will” and to speed up the process to resolve the Cyprus problem.
The decision to extend the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Cyprus (UNFICYP) for another six months was approved by the UN Security Council in a unanimous vote.
UNSC has decided to extend UNFICYP’s mandate until 31 January 2019.
In a statement to journalists, UN Security Council President Olof Skoog said that he has also called on all sides to “demonstrate political will” and “process acceleration”.
UNFICYP, one of the UN’s longest-running peacekeeping missions, has been operating on the island since 1964 and its peacekeeping mission is extended every six months.
However, the United States is demanding a reform of the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Cyprus.
At the UN Security Council, the United States is eyeing two options for the peacekeeping mission in Cyprus, although this time, it approved the resolution.
The Trump administration, which has reduced the financial contribution to peacekeeping missions and reduced the number of troops on some missions, is demanding that the peacekeeping mission in Cyprus be reformed and that in future, the number of peacekeeping troops be reduced.
The United States, asking for the reduction of the peacekeeping mission in Cyprus, is demanding “urgent steps on the political process” from the island leaders.
The second of the options the US has proposed is the complete close-down of the peacekeeping mission in Cyprus.
But diplomatic sources say Britain, France, Russia and China are none too keen on either of the options.
The UK and France expressed concern that the peacekeeping mission would provide stability in the island and that the closure of the mission would create tension. Diplomats expressed the idea that Russia and China should remain the same as the island’s mission.
The Greek Cypriot administration is opposed to the closure of the peacekeeping mission.
In addition, the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (GRC) is concerned about the possibility of UNFICYP being reduced or closed down.
In a letter to the UN Security Council (UNSC) sent to the UN Security Council (UNSC), “UNFICYP provides undisputed stability in the island and provides a favourable environment for negotiations on the resolution of the Cyprus problem, keeping tension at a minimum”.
The Cyprus Peacekeeping Mission is one of the smallest missions, pointing out that only 0.5 percent of the budget allocated to UN peacekeeping missions is used for UNFICYP and “has not burdened” the UN.
The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), on the other hand, argues that the peacekeeping mission in the island “has lost its important function”.
UNFICYP, one of the UN’s longest-running peacekeeping missions, has a total of 210 personel. These include 150 civilians, 750 troops and 52 staff.
The Southern Cyprus administration meets one-third of the mission’s budget of 55 million 152 thousand dollars. Greece contributes $ 6.5 million each year and the rest of the budget is covered by the UN.