Unions Hold Poverty Protest in Front of Assembly

North Cyprus News - Union Demo - PovertyA demonstration is being held by trade unions belonging to the Trade Union Platform to protest against the effects of inflation, fuel shortages and strained health services, Yeniduzen reported.

The lira has lost more than 40 percent of its value against the United States dollar this year, making it the worst-performing of all emerging market currencies,” a report by AlJazeera on 1 December said.

Meanwhile, thousands of union members have gathered in protest “against the impoverishment and destruction of society, making it a beggar”, in front of the National Assembly building.

Working people who are impoverished with each passing day, kept waiting in queues for bread, gas, hospital, medicine, immigration, have said, “Enough is enough,” and took to the streets. The Platform raised the flag of rebellion against the latest economic and political developments, Yeniduzen wrote.

Unions taking part in the demonstration were:  KTOEÖS, KTÖS, KTAMS, DEV-İŞ, KOOP-SEN, VERGİ-SEN, ÇAĞ-SEN, GÜÇ-SEN and BES.


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