Thursday, 29 September 2022
Demand for mobile roaming services by Turkish Cypriots living in the north has reduced because of the extraordinary depreciation of the Turkish lira, Yeniduzen reports.
Fewer Turkish Cypriots are crossing the border to the south because of their much decreased spending power.
Turkcell and Telsim GSM operators speaking to Yeniduzen said that the roaming application is still available, presenting no problems, however the demand is low.
If there are any issues, users should contact the operator, both GSM providers said.
It has been suggested that the service should be activated when crossing to the south and cancelled on return to the TRNC.
Turkcell subscribers who want to access the roaming service should open the ‘South Cyprus’ service and type in AÇ and send it to 1717 in order to access roaming for calls, SMS and internet access.
In order to cancel the service, it is ensured that the service is closed by sending an SMS to 1717 by typing KAPA on Turkcell lines,
Telsim subscribers should type AÇ and send a message to 7075.
In order to cancel the roaming service, type KAPAT and send to 7075.
Turkcell TRNC charges 5.4 TL per minute for calls to the south, north and Turkey. Incoming calls cost 3.4 TL per minute, 17.5 TL for international calls and 2.1 TL for SMS, 0.94 for data TL/KB.
Calls to the south, the TRNC and Turkey from Cyprus cost 4.12 TL per minute.
Incoming calls cost 1.54 TL per minute. International calls cost 11.75 TL per minute and 0.50 TL for SMS.