Virtual Conference on Alzheimers Disease

North Cyprus News - Pensioner - Elderly - person

Sunday, 18 September, 2022

Lions Clubs in the undistricted northern part of Cyprus are holding a virtual meeting with the Alzheimer’s Association on September 19, Monday at 8:00 PM on the zoom platform.

The Lions aim to create social awareness about Alzheimer’s disease. The virtual meeting will welcome the Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kerem Terali, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gözde Iyigun Mas and Assist. Prof. Dr. Pınar Gelener Arsal of the Alzheimer’s Association as the guest speakers.

Hosting by Young Professionals Cyprus Virtual Lions Club, the online meeting will be completed as a joint activity of the Mağusa Kale, Lefkoşa Başkent, Iskele Sahil, Mağusa Mesarya, Nicosia New Generation, Mağusa Desdemona, Mağusa Ravelin and Lefkoşa Kuzey Kıbrıs Lions Clubs.

Young Professionals Cyprus Virtual, the first cyber-Lions organization on the island of Cyprus, will host a virtual conversation on Monday, September 27 at 8:00 PM, with the President of the Cyprus Turkish Pediatrics Institution Dr. Ayşe Sayılı to discuss Childhood Cancer.

Cyprus Virtual Lions states that the club will come together with different NGOs on the island of Cyprus to create social awareness on different matters, aiming to increase the visibility and value of Lions Clubs in society.

It is stated that everyone is invited to the meeting, which will take place on Monday, September 19, 2022, at 20:00 on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 851 4672 3664

Passcode: Alzheimer

Lions Clubs Press Release

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