Volunteers Collect 157 Kilos of Plastic From Beach

Volunteers collect plastic waste on Caretta Beachwebp

Volunteers collected a total of 157 kilos of plastic waste* on Caretta Beach in Akdeniz.

Students and teachers from the Northern Cyprus Turtle Protection Association (SPOT) and the Anafartalar High School Nature Club joined forces for the beach cleanup, Kibris Postasi reported.

In a statement made by SPOT, it was said, “We would like to thank the students and teachers of Anafartalar High School Nature Club who organised the event and cleaned the Mediterranean Caretta Beach, which is an important beach for Caretta Carettas. We would like to thank Lapta-Alsancak-Çamlıbel Municipality and its team for helping to dispose of the collected waste”.

Kibris Postasi

*It’s likely that the plastic waste collected on Caretta Beach came from a combination of sources, including both local beachgoers and marine pollution. Given the global problem of ocean plastic, a significant amount of waste can be washed ashore from the sea, carried by currents and tides. However, waste directly left by beach users also contributes to pollution. [Ed.]

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