Volunteers Plant Hundreds of Tree Seedlings

North Cyprus News - ATA Tree Seedling Planting
ATA volunteers plant tree seedlings

The Anglo Turkish Association of Northern Cyprus carried out their Tree Planting – Start a Forest Event in conjunction with the Forestry Department on Friday.

Association Chairperson Gülter Kuran, accompanied by members of the Association undertook, a mornings work planting hundreds of seedlings to start a forest for the benefit of North Cyprus’ children’s children.

All present commented that despite the hard work involved they were all pleased to have been able to contribute a little something to the country’s environmental future.

North Cyprus News - ATA volunteers plant tree seedlingsVice Chairperson, Philip Lloyd, said that after the disappointment of having to postpone the tree planting at the start of the year due to the extreme bad weather, he was pleased that Friday’s tree planting was such a success, enjoyed by everyone who took part and enabled those in particular who planted a tree for a departed loved one to do so on such a lovely day in such peaceful surroundings.

He also thanked the Forestry Department for their help and assistance in helping to Plant a Tree – Start a Forest!

Anglo Turkish Association of Northern Cyprus Press Release

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