When Will North Cyprus Get Covid-19 Vaccine?

Cyprus News - Dr Ali Pilli
(Health Minister – Dr Ali Pilli)

Questions are being asked about what the North Cyprus Ministry of Health is doing to acquire supplies of Covid-19 vaccine.  Health Minister Pilli said, ” We are on hold, nothing is clear. Perhaps there will be moves by the end of December. Let’s first see if there are any side effects, then we will make an attempt, we are waiting,” he said.

 Co-Chair of the Bi-communal Health CommitteeCenk Soydan said:  “Vaccines from Europe will also be given to the northern part of Cyprus. We spoke about it last week, the vaccine was not yet available. They also do not know the date when it will come into their hands and how much it will come”.

Infectious Diseases Specialist and Infectious Diseases Supreme Committee member Dr. Zafer Erdoğmuş: said:  “I do not find the Chinese vaccine safe. We will put the issue of Covid-19 vaccine on the agenda at the meeting on December 15”.

 Preventive Medicine and Public Health Officer Dr. Emre Y. Vudalı: “We should not experience the troubles we had with the flu vaccine here, either.

Infectious Diseases Specialist Dr. Nesil Bayraktar:   “We have seen the reliability of AstraZeneca and Pfizer/BionTech companies, but we have no experience with drugs of Chinese origin.

CIU  Faculty of Medicine Vice Dean and Medical and Clinical Microbiology Department Lecturer Asst. Assoc. Dr. Ayşe Seyer said: “The population distribution of the groups to be given priority needs to be determined. For example, we do not know how many people over the age of 65 or with chronic diseases there are, the Ministry should determine them“.

CIU Faculty of Pharmacy Vice Dean Molecular Microbiologist Asst. Assoc. Dr. Ender Volkan Çınar said: “It is essential for every country to establish a vaccine supply initiative and to organise the necessary initiatives, considering that there will be a significant demand for vaccines to be produced from every country in the world”.


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