Who Can Apply For Home Quarantine?


You need to apply for home quarantine by coming to the Ministry of Health three working days before the return date to the TRNC or by sending an e-mail to evkarantinasi@saglik.gov.ct.tr. The requested documents are as follows:


  1. Disease Report (Epicrisis)
  2. Identity Information
  3. Residence Information
  4. Telephone and Open Quarantine Address
  5. Travel Information
  6. Negative COVID-19 Test conducted within the last 3 days
  7. Full names, identity information and signatures of those who will be quarantined at home
  8. It is necessary to apply with information about what purpose you went abroad and whether you stayed in a hotel home when abroad.



According to the statement, the Ministry of Health home quarantine evaluation committee says that home quarantine can be granted to people and patients under the following criteria:


  • Elderly over 70 years old
  • Children under 12 years old
  • Atherosclerotic heart disease, heart failure
  • Patients who received immunosuppressive therapy
  • Cancer patients – those who have received chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the last 6 months
  • Those who have had a minor operation within 1 month • A

major operation within 3 months Those

  • Physical and mental disabilities, people with
  • people with neurodegenerative disorders
  • Autism spectrum
  • diagnosed more than the last three months, Psychiatric cases (must be arranged by treating psychiatrists have taken and reports.)
  • colostomy bags and indwelling urinary catheters with living
  • Dialysis people with end-stage kidney failure who need it
  • Organ and stem cell transplant patients
  • Pregnancy

Heavy administrative fines and imprisonment will be imposed on those who do not comply with the quarantine rules and isolation rules.


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