Wildfire Hazards: Public Reminder

North Cyprus News - Alevkayasi Fire
[Alevkayasi fire – file photo]
The Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources has announced that the hunting season has started today and reminded everyone about fire safety measures, Kibris Postasi reports.

According to the ministry’s statement, despite cooler temperatures, there is still a high risk of forest fires based on information from the Meteorological Department.

The statement emphasised that people entering forests and using forest roads should be especially cautious about fire risks. It highlighted that in hunting areas, grasses are very dry and prone to burning, so no fires should be lit and activities that might cause a fire (like smoking or cooking) should be avoided.

It was also reminded that, by law, fires cannot be lit in forested areas until October 31 for any reason, and everyone should take careful note of this.

Additionally, the fire ban, including in designated picnic areas, will continue until further notice.

The statement continued:

Citizens driving on main roads through wooded and forested areas must ensure that they do not engage in any actions that could cause a fire (particularly not throwing cigarette butts out of vehicles).

“To protect our forests from fire hazards, it is essential for citizens to avoid activities that could start a fire and to follow the instructions of Forest Department officials during inspections. This is crucial to prevent new disasters“.

Kibris Postasi

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