Work to Resume on The Pile-Yiğitler Road Today

Turkish Cypriot police versus UN soldiers - Pile
[Turkish Cypriot police confront UN soldiers – Pile]
Monday, 11 September 2023

Work on the Pile-Yiğitler road will begin today following a compromise reached between North Cyprus and the south, Kibris Postasi reports.

The work which began on 17 August led to a confrontation between UN personnel and TRNC police officers. This event became a diplomatic incident. The roadwork was begun purely to make access to the north easier for Turkish Cypriots living in the bi-communal village of Pile which lies in the UN buffer zone. 

UNFICYP, which patrols the border between the TRNC and the Republic of Cyprus, made a statement and stated that it was concerned about the construction and improvement works carried out by the TRNC in the buffer zone. It was also stated in the statement that the works carried out by the TRNC side were unauthorised.

This issue has now been resolved and roadworks have been permitted.

Kibris Postasi


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