Workers Facing Scorching Temperatures

North Cyprus News - Building Site (2)

Sunday, 31  July, 2022

Labourers are taking their own measures to survive the rising air temperatures in the absence of any rulings from the Ministry of Labour, Yeniduzen reported.

Previous governments have introduced bans on working during the hottest hours of the day, however, no new measures have been announced as yet.

The Met Office has said that temperatures were expected to rise to 41 C. This means working out in the open between midday and 4pm is a health risk.

Workers interviewed by Yeniduzen said that they remained in the shade at the hottest times of the day, and otherwise took many breaks and drank plenty of water. However, those that did not take such precautions have fainted, suffered headaches and been unable to return to work the following day.

Yeniduzen contacted the Ministry of Labour for a comment and was told that “An action plan is being prepared, technical work is being done“.


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