Bonelli’s Eagle Released Into the Wild

North Cyprus News - Bonelli's Eagle

A Bonelli’s Eagle (Aquila fasciata), the only species of eagle in Cyprus, has been released back into the wild after being treated and cared for at the Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre. After ringing and taking biometric measurements of the bird, a custom-made tracking device was attached to the Bonelli’s Eagle. The eagle was then […]

Government to Take 80 Million TL Bank Loan

North Cyprus News - Turkish Lira

The coalition government will take out a loan of 80 million TL from the Cooperative Central Bank as currently, it is unable to meet is financial obligations. The Council of Ministers has decided to authorise the Ministry of Finance to obtain a loan in the amount of 80 million TL, in order to be able […]

Heavy Rainfall Today and Saturday

North Cyprus News - Rain

The Met. Office has said that there will be heavy rainfall on Friday and Saturday. A low pressure system will bring cooler weather, which is expected to continue for a week. Temperatures will reach highs of 17-20 °C inland and on the coast.

Ozersay Discusses UNFICYP With Spehar

North Cyprus News - Ozersay Spehar

Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Kudret Ozersay met with the Head of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), Elizabeth Spehar. At the meeting, they discussed the contacts made by UNSG’s Special Temporary Adviser to Cyprus, Jane Holl Lute. They also exchanged views on UNFICYP’s activities and the term report regarding UNFICYP’s mandate, to be […]

Turkey to Recognise TRNC Licence Plates for Imports

North Cyprus News - Truck - Lorry

Turkey’s Presidency has decided that TRNC licence plate vehicles have been authorised for international transportation. The decision, which was signed by Turkish President Erdogan, was published yesterday in Turkey’s official gazette. According to the new ruling, goods sent from third countries to warehouses in Turkey can now be transferred to North Cyprus by TIR trucks […]