Bottled Gas Price Goes Up Again Today

The price of 10 kilo domestic bottled gas has been increased from 70 TL to 73 TL. The price hike follows an increase made to the price of domestic bottled gas only last week when it went up from 66TL to 70TL. Jetgaz, Intergaz have stated they will increase their prices and Koopgaz is likely […]
Cannon Target Practice in Guzelyurt – Warning

The Güzelyurt District Governor’s Office has warned that there will be cannon fire heard during target practice at the Camurova firing range between 20-23 January. Exercises began today at 07.00 and will continue until 17.00. Tuesday 07.00-21.00, Wednesday 07.00-17.00. and Thursday 07.00 -21.00. People in the area have been warned to keep well away from […]