Nicosia Driver Hits Parked Truck

A driver and his passenger were injured when his car struck a vehicle parked on the roadside on Dr. Fazıl Küçük Boulevard in Nicosia. Driver of the car Ibrahim Alp, pulled out to overtake a vehicle in front of him when he hit a truck which was parked for maintenance work on power lines. Both […]
Fourteen Test Positive For Covid-19

Fourteen people tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 24 hours following 1,446 tests, Health Minister Dr. Ali Pilli said. Twelve of those who tested positive arrived from abroad and two were local cases, the minister said. Meanwhile, three people have been discharged. In the south, 198 people tested positive for Covid-19 in the last […]
IPC Option Ineffective Claimants Say

Prior to reopening Maras/Varosha, Turkish President Erdogan and President Ersin Tatar said that property owners in the fenced-off Famagusta suburb can apply to the Immovable Property Commission (IPC) for compensation or reclaim their properties. However, a journalist from Strasbourg Kayhan Karatza, says that there are insufficient funds to compensate claimants who have also said that […]