Feline Coronavirus Spreading Across Cyprus

Thursday, 13 July 2023 Feline Coronavirus has spread from Paphos to Karpaz, Turkish Cypriot vets have confirmed. It should be noted however, that there is no risk of transmission to humans, but it spreads rapidly amongst cats, especially via water and food set out for feeding strays, Yeniduzen reports. However, reports by international media outlets […]
Summer Heat Brings Potential For Major Fire Disaster

Thursday, 13 July 2023 It has been more than a year since the great Mersinlik fire, but the coalition government has not learnt from this disastrous fire, Yeniduzen writes. The firefighting helicopter has still not been deployed from Turkey despite promises made in June to that effect by the Agricultural Minister Dursun Oğuz. Yeniduzen fears […]