Union Threatens to Cut Power To Ercan Airport

Ercan - new terminal building pg

President of the Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority Employees Union (El-Sen), Ahmet Tuğcu, has repeated the union’s decision to disconnect electricity to Ercan Airport, operated by T&T Company which is managed by Emrullah Turanlı, due to a debt of 92 million TL owed to the Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority (Kib-Tek), Kibris Postasi reports. Tuğcu emphasised that […]

Plans to Celebrate Cyprus Peace Operation Anniversary

Omer Celik - Deputy Chair - AKP

Deputy Chairman and spokesperson of Turkey’s Justice and Development (AK) Party, Ömer Çelik, expressed the party’s intention on Wednesday to commemorate the anniversary of the 1974 Turkish Peace Operation in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, BRTK reports. Addressing the media at the AK Party Headquarters regarding Turkish President and AK Party Chairman Recep Tayyip […]

Turkish Cypriots Poorly Represented

Asım Akansoy - CTP

Referring to the closed parliamentary session attended by President Ersin Tatar, the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Secretary General, Asım Akansoy, expressed his disappointment. “As a Turkish Cypriot politician, I was ashamed of the atmosphere in the parliament”, he said, adding, “Turkish Cypriots have never been represented this poorly in history. Their aim is to further […]

Tatar Stipulates Sovereignty for Cyprus Talks

North Cyprus News - President Ersin Tatar

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has ruled out negotiating a peace deal with the Greek Cypriot administration due to a lack of common ground. “We are ready to talk, but there is no common ground for negotiations because the other side does not accept our sovereignty,” TRNC President Ersin Tatar said Monday. “There […]

Police Banned 35 Vehicles From The Road

North Cyprus News - Traffic police

During police traffic inspections conducted nationwide yesterday, traffic teams checked 2,378 vehicle drivers. According to a statement from the Police Press Officer’s Office, 416 drivers were reported for various traffic offences, legal action was initiated against them, and 35 vehicles were banned from the roads, Yeniduzen reports. The statement detailed the violations: 154 drivers were […]