El-Sen to Strike Over Work Safety Issues

Ahmet Tugcu - El-Sen President

 Leader of the El-Sen union delegation, Ahmet Tuğcu, has stated that he had rejected the demands made by KIB-TEK management during their meeting at headquarters, Kibris Postasi reports. The union explained that they requested more time to meet their demands, particularly concerning occupational health and safety. However, management declined to take responsibility for any work […]

The 62nd Mehmetçik Grape Festival Opened

62nd Mehmetçik Grape Festival

The 62nd Mehmetçik Grape Festival, attended by President Ersin Tatar, Assembly President Zorlu Töre, and Prime Minister Ünal Üstel opened on Friday night, BRTK reported. Mehmetçik Büyükkonuk Municipality provided information about the event, where Mayor Fatma Çimen Tuğlu welcomed everyone with a heartfelt speech. “Welcome to this land that breathes the spirit of Galatia, where […]

Blue Cyprus: Clean Waters Event Held

Sea protection event

The “Blue Cyprus: Clean Waters and Kite Surfing” event was organised to draw attention to the importance of protecting sea waters and the living species they host, Yeniduzen reported. The urgent need to prevent sea pollution was highlighted at the event organised by the EU Information Centre in Yedidalga. According to the information provided by […]