Reports Issued on Cause of Recent Floods

North Cyprus News - PM Tufan - ErhurmanTwo reports have been prepared by the Chamber of the Union of Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects about the disasterous floods that occurred in December and presented to the public at a press conference.

At the conference, which was attended by Prime Minister Tufan Erhurman, it was stated that there had been an engineering failure on the Ciklos bend of the Kyrenia mountain road, where four young people died after their car was swept off the flooded road into a ravine.

They also said that the culverts and drainage systems on the main road linking Kyrenia and Lapta were inadequate to deal with the level of flooding experienced in December.

The Prime Minster told the press conference that last month’s rainfall was the second highest amount of rainfall recorded since 1974.

North Cyprus News - Flood damage LaptaHe said that the studies clearly showed that new measures had to be taken. One of the main reasons for the flooding was that the culverts were blocked with debris, the PM said.

All necessary steps would be taken, in light of the report, to avert the repetition of such a disaster, Erhurman said.

He added that investigations into any violation of the regulations would taken with regard to blocking the stream beds. All necessary steps would be taken to deal with these, Erhurman promised.




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