TC Workers in South Cyprus Remain Unpaid

North Cyprus News - Faiz Sucuoglu - Labour Minister
Labour Minister – Faiz Sucuoglu

Minister of Labour and Social Security Faiz Sucuoğlu in his address to the assembly referred to the Turkish Cypriots working in South Cyprus and said: “We have prepared a study on this issue. and we will forward it to the cabinet”.

We have demanded a payment of 1,000 TL for 2,000 social security workers. This are not only for the people working in the south but also day labourers”.

He also said they had asked the Turkish Embassy for help in handling the study. “We hope that the number of these people will not exceed 2,000”, he said.

Sucuoğlu also referred to the 1,500 TL allowance that the government will grant as an allowance due to the closures of businesses because of the Covid-19 virus and stated that so far, 49,405 applications had been made. He said applications were expected to reach 60,000.

He also said that pensioners will be paid today and that the remaining payments are expected to begin by May 4. He said that there is a fund of 90 million TL for the payment of the 1,500 TL allowance.

Kibris Gazetesi



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