It is now day three of the lockdown which will continue until February 15.
All services except those that are essential have been suspended. All businesses are closed to day with the exception of bakeries and pharmacies.
People must buy essential needs from markets closest to their place of residence during the lockdown. Those found not complying with the rules will be deemed to be in violation of lockdown rules and will be subject to prosecution.
In workplaces that are open for essential needs, it is mandatory to take the temperature of shoppers at the entrances, to comply with the social distance rule, to maintain social distance to these workplaces, and to maintain hygienic standards inside the stores and supply disinfection facilities at the entrances and exits.
Entries and exits between districts were also stopped during the lockdown period. Police officers working between districts, health workers, and specially assigned public officials, yellow press card holders and/or press employees, firefighters and civil aviation services will continue their duties.
According to the decisions taken on February 4, but amended upon requests, businesses that serve basic needs such as petrol stations, greengrocers, butcher/ fishmongers, and markets will be able to stay open between 09.00-17.00. Cafes, restaurants and children’s playgrounds will be closed in the markets. Bakeries will be open for production and sale. Professional fishermen will be able to continue their work.
Funerals may only be attended by first degree relatives.