The Great Game Hunting Season Begin On Sunday

North Cyprus News - HunterThe Great Game hunting season begins on Sunday and lasts for 10 consecutive Sundays until January 2, 2022, Yeniduzen reported.

During the hunting season it will be permitted to hunt hare, francolin, pheasant, partridge, wild pigeon, fassa, quail, cikla, woodcock, crows and magpies.

The Ministry of the Interior has published a map specifying where hunting is permitted.

Hunting may take place between the hours of sunset and sunrise. Hunters must maintain a distance of  least 250 metres away from residential areas and 500 metres away from dams and ponds.

No shooting is permitted while in a vehicle, and a maximum of three hunting dogs may be deployed. It is forbidden to shoot at any target other than game animals.

A statement from the Police Press Officer goes on to say:

You cannot enter the land more than 50 metres from the nearest dirt or asphalt road with a motor vehicle, and after 50 metres you can go to the hunting ground on foot. Vehicles cannot be parked in vacant zones.

“Except for saloon vehicles and open or closed vans and pick-up type vehicles, hunting rifles cannot be kept or transported in any agricultural vehicle including tractors and combine harvesters, in any work vehicle including truck and ATV. These vehicles cannot be used for hunting purposes.

“Photographs or images of a bloody or dismembered game animal cannot be displayed or published on any public media, including social media. 

“ It is forbidden for hunters to enter the dirt roads armed before 04:00 in the morning and after 19:00 on hunting days”. 




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