Tenders to Supply Kib-Tek Fuel to be Broadcast

North Cyprus News - Tanker - Teknecik-Power-Station
[Fuel Tanker – Teknecik Power Station – File Photo]
Saturday, 11 September 2022

The tenders to supply fuel to Kib-Tek will be publicly broadcast, Yeniduzen reports.

The relevant parties share the view that, “Everything will be in front of the public, the tender will be shared instantly with live broadcasts“.

Central Tender Commission Chairman Halis Üresin said, “The tender will be broadcast live from BRT and our official website and other broadcasting organisations“.

This attempt at transparency arises from the controversy following the purchasing decree introduced by the government which bypasses the tendering process.

The UBP-DP-YDP coalition government, to which Ünal Üstel was appointed as prime minister, had previously made purchases without tenders having announced the “Decree with the Force of Law”. Following which it was documented that the country suffered financial serious losses from these purchases.

It was announced that an estimated value of 12.259 million dollars was determined for the tender, which remains open until 12 September.

The latest tender was cancelled, and Central Tender Commission (MIK) Chairman Halis Üresin, stated that the reason for the cancellation of the tender for Kib-Tek’s 200,000 metric-ton fuel purchase and transportation was for “public benefit”.

Following an application made to the Constitutional Court, the government withdrew the Decree enabling the purchase of fuel without going to tender.

It was learned that six companies participated in the last cancelled tender, and two companies remained.

The difference between the two offers was 2.5 million dollars.

According to information obtained by Yeniduzen from varying sources, one company offered fuel and delivery for $47 per metric ton while the other company demanded $60 per metric ton.




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