Drunk Driver Crashes into Barriers at Yonca Junction; Legal Action Taken

A traffic accident occurred at the Yonca Junction, Serdarlı Geçitkale intersection, where a driver under the influence lost control and collided with steel barriers and traffic signs. Legal proceedings have been initiated against the driver.

According to the police press office, the incident took place on January 29, 2025, at around 02:30 AM. The driver, identified as 21-year-old Şeyhmus Bayhan, was operating a vehicle with registration number NZ 601 when he lost control while traveling toward Cihangir. Police reports indicate that Bayhan had 83 milligrams of alcohol in his system at the time of the accident.

Fortunately, no injuries were reported. However, Bayhan faces legal consequences for driving under the influence. Authorities continue their investigation into the incident.


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