Akinci Asks to Meet Anastasiades Prior to Istanbul Trip

President Mustafa Akinci has been invited by Turkey to visit Istanbul on 29 October to attend the opening ceremony of Istanbul’s new airport, the name of which has not been announced yet.

Meanwhile, Akinci has sent a message to President Anastasiades through Elizabeth Spehar, Head of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. He said that he wanted to meet Anastasiades before he leaves for Istanbul. Akinci also wants to announce the final date for opening the border checkpoints at Derinya and Aplic, as all obstacles for opening the two checkpoints had been overcome.

The other aim of the meeting between the leaders will be to ask questions about the federal solution [Anastasiades has suggested a loose federation model] for Cyprus. Akinci also wants to discuss Jane Holl Lute’s report to the UN Security Council.

Yeni Duzen



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