The body of a teenager has been discovered on a construction site in the Long Beach region in Iskele this morning, Kibris Postasi reports.
The young woman was identified as Zehie Helin Reessur aged 16 who was an 11th grade student at Famagusta Vocational High School.
Following an initial examination by a forensic specialist, it appears that her death may have been caused by a blow to the head by a blunt instrument the police said.
UPDATE: According to information obtained by Yeniduzen, the police suspect that an individual identified as SA, who is believed to be linked to the crime, has crossed to the south of Cyprus.
The report states that the police found traces of blood on the left-hand front seat and on the exterior in an abandoned black jeep discovered found near the Derinya border checkpoint.
There is evidence that the suspect attempted to set fire to the vehicle which was originally discovered by military personnel.
It was also found that the suspect also tried to burn his clothing while setting fire to the vehicle.