Bonelli’s Eagle Released Into the Wild

North Cyprus News - Bonelli's EagleA Bonelli’s Eagle (Aquila fasciata), the only species of eagle in Cyprus, has been released back into the wild after being treated and cared for at the Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre.

After ringing and taking biometric measurements of the bird, a custom-made tracking device was attached to the Bonelli’s Eagle. The eagle was then released in Tashkent Nature Park. The tracking device will help wildlife experts to collect very valuable data for almost a year. In this way, they will be able to monitor the bird from a distance and hopefully use the data gained for conservation of this species in Cyprus.

The Bonelli’s Eagle is under protection by law in Cyprus. The wildlife centre staff are very pleased to have been able to release the eagle and to be able to monitor it for the following year, a statement on their Facebook page said.

Tashkent Doga Parki



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