Border Crossings Will Open Soon: Akinci

North Cyprus News - Erhurman - AkinciPresident Mustafa Akıncı held his routine weekly meeting with Prime Minister Tufan Erhürman, their first after his return from New York.
Making a statement to the press after the meeting President Mustafa Akıncı said that they discussed the contacts that he had carried out in New York and with the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

I conveyed to the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres the Turkish Cypriot side’s stance on the Cyprus issue and that as the Turkish Cypriot side we want a solution to be found to the Cyprus problem. We don’t want the continuation of the status quo. We want to be a part of the new Cyprus that will emerge once a solution is reached. We want to establish a better future in peace”, said Akıncı.
He added that in order for this to take place, negotiations must be result orientated. “We want a result-oriented negotiations process that is strategic and has a time frame”, said President Akıncı.

Noting that the UN Secretary-General’s temporary adviser to Cyprus Jane Holl Lute is about to complete her report on Cyprus and present it on 15 October, the President said that on 30 October, this report will be discussed at the UN General Assembly.

North Cyprus News - UNSG Antonio GuterresOur stance on the Cyprus issue is clear. During all of my contacts with foreign officials, I clearly put forward the Turkish Cypriot side’s views and stance on the Cyprus issue”, said Akıncı and added that the UN Secretary-General needed to adopt a more active role on the Cyprus issue.

He also said that once the UN Secretary-General has formed his own opinion on the Cyprus issue he will convey his views to the two sides on the island.

Touching on the issue of the Derinya and Aplıç border crossing, President Akıncı said that this issue was not discussed in New York but that it is on the agenda in Cyprus and therefore he felt the need to make a statement on the subject.

The Turkish Cypriot side had displayed its political stance on this issue three years ago and is continuing to carry out efforts for the opening of the border crossings”, said Akıncı and added that he had discussed this issue extensively with Prime Minister Erhürman.

Is the hold up for the opening of the border crossings real problems or ones originating from the Greek Cypriot side?” asked the president. The Greek Cypriot side has apparently raised the issue of a Turkish military post near the crossing. President Akıncı said that he will be taking up this topic with government officials.

He said that although the Derinya and Aplıç border crossings are two separate checkpoints, they wanted them to be opened simultaneously and therefore the necessary political will needed to be adopted on both sides of the island for this to be realised.

I believe that we will be able to open these crossings very soon”, the President said.




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