Monday, 28 February, 2022.
Kişmir, who was facing a possible ten year prison sentence, stated that the police and his lawyer had called him on Friday to tell him that there would be no hearing.
This Country is Ours Platform took action to support Ali Kişmir, who was to face a court hearing because of a formal complaint brought against him for the political content of an article he wrote two years ago.
The demonstration held in front of the courthouse was supported by KTGB, press workers, CTP deputies, former TDP President, former deputy Cemal Özyiğit, representatives of trade unions and non-governmental organisations, and artists.
Freedom of Speech
Member of the Board of the European Federation of Journalists, and Secretary General of the Journalists Union of Turkey Mustafa Kuleli, said that the threat of a lawsuit was directed not only against Ali Kişmir, but also against all media outlets and journalists.
Kuleli noted that his colleagues in Europe and Turkey said, “He does not and will not take a step back from saying that he knows to be the truth,” and stand by the Cypriot journalists.
The slogans “Shoulder to shoulder against fascism” and “As long as you keep quiet, it will be your turn” were chanted during the protest.
Şener Elcil, Secretary General of KTÖS, on behalf of This Country is Our Platform, said, “Ali Kişmir is a victim of the pressures of the government in Ankara,” adding that to this day, many journalists in Turkey are rotting in prison.