Three of the men accused of the murder of Kyrenia casino boss Halil Falyalı and his driver Murat Demirtaş on 8 February, appeared in court again on Wednesday, Kibris Postasi reported.
Veysel Sare, Musa Çiçek and Ömer Tunç arrived at court yesterday under extreme security measures.
Forensic Medicine Specialist İdris Deniz was called to the stand by Prosecutor Ali Hidayet.
Deniz introduced evidence from the post mortem reports on the causes of the deaths of Falyalı and Demirtaş.
He stated that Falyalı had received 24 gunshot wounds and a total of 11 bullet cores were removed.
Deniz noted that the cause of Demirtaş’s death was from a fractured skull, brain tissue injuries, internal and external bleeding, internal and external haemorrhages as a result of gunshot wounds.
Deniz said that Demirtaş’s head was damaged beyond recognition, and nine bullet wounds were found in his body.
After hearing the witness, the hearing was adjourned until 13.30 today.