In a statement on social media. Erhürman said, “But who cares! The ‘seriousness of the state’ seems to mean little to those who vocally champion it and those who engage in treachery through state channels”.
The statement continued: “Mr. Ersin Tatar and, according to the constitution, the only person who can delegate authority, Parliament Speaker Mr. Töre, are once again both abroad. Neither acting as principal nor proxy! A similar incident occurred last year, prompting consultation with the Presidency Prosecutor’s Office, which concluded, “The Presidency cannot grant proxy to anyone other than the Parliament Speaker”. Furthermore, this opinion is still posted on the Presidency’s website. But who cares! The ‘seriousness of the state’ seems to hold little significance for those who loudly proclaim it and those who engage in treachery through state channels“.
In separate article Kibris Postasi writes that the Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, Fazilet Özdenefe in her written statement said that she was informed through a notification published in the Official Gazette on Thursday, that she would act as the deputy to President Ersin Tatar from May 2 at 15:55 to May 3 at 14:30.
Her statement read as follows:
“As it will be remembered, last year, both the President and the Speaker of the Assembly left the country simultaneously, causing debates in the public opinion due to the highest position of the state being vacant. The President consulted the Prosecutor’s Office on the matter and the Prosecutor’s opinion dated June 2, 2023, was made public on June 8, 2023, on the official website of the Presidency under the title ‘The President cannot delegate authority to anyone other than the Speaker of the Assembly.’ According to the Prosecutor’s opinion still available on the official website of the Presidency; ‘… Our Constitution assigns the duty of acting as the President to the Speaker of the Assembly. The Constitution does not regulate the delegation of authority by the President to anyone other than the Speaker of the Assembly. Likewise, there is no provision in the Constitution allowing the Speaker of the Assembly, to whom authority is delegated, to transfer this authority to another person“.