Fisher emphasised the necessity of allowing diplomats sufficient time to establish common ground, stressing the importance of their presence during critical stages. She underscored Holguin’s role in facilitating dialogue between conflicting parties, suggesting that such endeavours are best pursued discreetly, through behind-the-scenes negotiations.
Addressing concerns about reconciling differing perspectives, Fisher highlighted the representative’s responsibility in bridging the gap between public stances held by Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, emphasising the critical task of finding mutually beneficial avenues for cooperation. Furthermore, the article noted the Greek Cypriot government’s consistent calls for Turkey’s cooperation in supporting the Secretary-General’s representative’s mission.
Similar sentiments were echoed by Greek Cypriot UN Permanent Representative Maria Mihail, who denounced Turkey’s continued rejection of UN-endorsed frameworks for resolution, its insistence on a two-state solution, and its obstructive stance towards peace initiatives.
Mihail reiterated longstanding Greek positions, urging Turkey to actively engage in reviving peace talks guided by UN Security Council resolutions aimed at achieving a comprehensive solution.