Turtles Facing Extinction From Marine Pollution

North Cyprus News - Beach WasteResults from a Near East University two-year project on marine waste, have shown that Cyprus beaches are under grave threat from waste washed up from neighbouring countries, Yeniduzen reports.

The project was funded by the NEU Scientific Research Projects fund and carried out in cooperation with the Biological Sciences Department at the University of Exeter.

Studies at Ronnas Beach on the Karpaz Peninsula, one of the main breeding sites for green sea turtles, showed that turtles could face extinction because of the pollution.

An average of 1,114 waste material, weighing 11.9 kilograms per month, was collected from an area covering 250 square metres. The waste items, mainly detergent, shampoo, food and beverage containers come from Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Egypt, the report said.




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