Electronic Wristband For Home Quarantine Shelved

North Cyprus News - fitting electronic wristbandThe electronic wristband project enabling North Cyprus residents to quarantine at home has been shelved, the Ministry of Health  has announced. 

Health Minister Undersecretary Ali Çaygür said that the ‘home quarantine with chip wristband‘ application, which was applied for trial purposes in November, was carried out as a study and is not being implemented at the moment.

Stating that in the last decision taken, students coming from abroad will be placed in normal quarantine, not home quarantine, Çaygür said that the fees will be covered by the state.

The Council of Ministers would need to take a decision for home quarantine, Çaygür said. “The quarantine fees of the TRNC citizens studying abroad, or the TRNC students registered in the TRNC and living abroad will be covered by the state. A meeting of the Council of Ministers is required to move to  home quarantine“. 

Undersecretary Çaygür stated that they had only worked on the ‘chip bracelet’ and that the wristbands study came as a grant and that they were not paid in any way.

Pointing out that there are some deficiencies in the application, Çaygür said, “The phone application is required for the chip bracelet system. The relevant company carries out all the procedures and the Ministry of Health just checks and implements the penalty procedure. The system is deficient, we only worked on passengers in November. We got a 90 percent return. Those who violated this application were warned by sending a message to their mobile phones. There is no application now“, he said.




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