Erhürman Urges Dialogue for Equal International Status in Cyprus Issue

Tufan Erhurman - CTP
[Tufan Erhürman – Chairman of CTP]
During his speech in Parliament, Tufan Erhürman, Chairman of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), highlighted that the Turkish Cypriot people should not be relegated to the position of those who shy away from dialogue, Yeniduzen reported.

Erhürman referred to recent dynamic developments in the Cyprus issue, noting the involvement of Maria Angela Holguin, the UN’s Special Representative for Cyprus, in discussions. He also mentioned ongoing dialogue between Turkey and Greece, emphasising regional activity. 

Erhürman was referring to a meeting held between Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the Presidential complex in Ankara on Monday.

He acknowledged Ersin Tatar’s role on behalf of Turkish Cypriots, stressing the significance of his decisions. Governance and power-sharing were emphasised as key Cyprus problems, with Erhürman underlining their historical context, rejecting the notion of Turkish Cypriots as a minority.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis
[Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis meets President Tayyip Erdoğan]
At the negotiation table, both leaders hold equal positions“, Erhürman stressed that the unitary state formula is not up for discussion, underlining the importance of affirming the equal international status of Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots. “Any solution must be built upon affirming their equal international status“, he said, noting that inter-communal negotiations are recognised by the UN as equal. “Processes are defined as negotiations between leaders. The leader of the Greek Cypriots is considered equal to the leader of the Turkish Cypriots. However, once they leave the table, their international statuses are no longer equal“, Erhürman pointed out, emphasising the common points that need to be addressed.

Erhürman stressed the need to address common points and reach agreements. He highlighted that in a potential solution based on a federal structure, both the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus would be recognised as equal founding states. Erhürman adamantly stated that any other scenario would be unacceptable. Additionally, he emphasised the existence of a federal state, governed on the principle of political equality, alongside the founding states.

Erhürman highlighted that discussions occur at the negotiation table. He outlined that in a federal state, powers would be specified, with remaining powers under the jurisdiction of founding states. Erhürman stressed that the federal state would not intervene, and sovereignty would emanate from both Turkish and Greek Cypriots. Referring to the 2004 referendum, he noted that their will emerged within TRNC laws and citizens’ votes, signifying equal international status. Erhürman mentioned a rotational presidency in the federal state, emphasising that decisions must involve Turkish Cypriots. He asserted that failure to meet equality requirements could be addressed during discussions, questioning any doubt about equal positions in tripartite or quintuple meetings with Greek Cypriots.

Erhürman questioned the reluctance to engage in tripartite and quintuple meetings, emphasising the importance of conveying issues in a dialogue setting. He criticised the lack of explanation for this stance, noting the Turkish Cypriot side’s desire for equal international status. Erhürman highlighted the scenario where concerns are conveyed in a dialogue environment but represented by an unrecognised state president, emphasising the imbalance. He stressed the need for discussions based on facts and logic, expressing concern over the inability to agree on information and logic levels. Erhürman urged for self-confidence in expressing needs and concerns, noting that Turkish Cypriots are not opposed to dialogue or sharing their problems.

Tufan Erhürman criticised the Turkish Cypriot side for refusing tripartite dialogue, noting it as a departure from past willingness for a solution. He emphasised the importance of maintaining dialogue and expressing the will of the Turkish Cypriot people. Erhürman urged for a struggle over what should be included in the report and called for the UN to uphold its commitments on political equality and other key issues. He warned that without confirmation of these elements, any negotiation would lack a focus on results. Erhürman questioned why Ersin Tatar is avoiding tripartite dialogue, suggesting it undermines the historical struggle for a resolution in Cyprus.




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