Fire Prevention Reminders

North Cyprus News - Fire
[File Photo]

They emphasised the importance of promptly reporting any signs of fire or smoke to the following hotlines: ALO 199 Fire Brigade Fire Alert line, ALO 177 Forest Fire Alarm line, and 155 Police Distress line. Additional precautions shared by the Fire Department include:

  1. From May 1 to October 31, it is forbidden to light any kind of fire, even for cleaning purposes. Fires started in inappropriate areas can quickly become uncontrollable. It is crucial to follow legal regulations regarding fire lighting.
  2. Do not discard cigarette butts on roadsides, in forest areas, garbage bins, or on any flammable substances without ensuring they are fully extinguished.
  3. If you notice a transformer, electric pole, wires that could touch, or tree branches that could fall on wires during bad weather, call the 188 Electricity Fault Reporting Line.
  4. Tree branches touching electrical wires should be pruned, but ensure the electricity is turned off first to avoid fire risk. Clear dry grass underneath and have fire extinguishing equipment available in the area.
  5. If you suspect a gas leak in your home or workplace, do not use electrical outlets or bring in devices that could spark, like mobile phones or flashlights. Turn off the electricity at the switch, open doors and windows, and use a broom to help ventilate the area.
  6. For private, public transportation, fuel-carrying, and agricultural vehicles, timely service, maintenance, exhaust, and tire checks are crucial to prevent fuel leaks, short circuits, and sparks from exhausts that could start fires.
  7. Keeping a fire extinguisher at home, work, and in vehicles, and knowing how to use it, can help prevent fires from spreading and mitigate potential dangers.




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