Five Sex Video Suspects Detained For Three More Days

North Cyprus News - video scandalFive suspects, who were arrested in connection with a sex video involving Prime Minister Ersan Saner have been detained for a further three days, BRT reported.

Saner said that the video tape had been altered using digital technology and he was merely in conversation with one of the accused, a young woman also on the video. The woman said that she had erased the video from her mobile phone, however, later on, it was circulated on mobile phones in South Cyprus and then on social media.

Saner lodged a formal complaint that his private life had been invaded and also claimed sexual harassment.

All five appeared at Famagusta District Court on Monday. At court, the police asked for eight days detention during the ongoing investigation, however four of the suspects’ lawyers objected. 

Famagusta District Court Judge Mine Serden granted the police three further days detention of the five suspects.




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