Thursday, 17 March, 2022.
Filiz Besim]
Former Minister of Health, CTP Deputy Dr. Filiz Besim said that the patients had been unable to access medicines for months, and asked what the Ministry of Health was doing about it.
She said, “You have been saying that medicine will come every week for months, but there is no medicine except for the ten-day medicines you collect from the market and expire immediately“.
Besim posted the following:
“We, as the Ministry of Health, will only buy important drugs such as oncology drugs, we want citizens to buy the rest from pharmacies,” said the Minister of Health, Mr. Ali Pilli.
“Of course, this is what is right and what should be; What kind of work have you done on this subject for three years? Have you been able to go beyond being a Pandemic Ministry?
“Have you done any work on General Health Insurance?
“Have you done any work on the drug tracking system?
“How will you do this without connecting private pharmacies to the system, when even the automation that was almost finished among the pharmacies of the state during the four-party coalition government period has gone backwards?
“Did you sit around the same table with the relevant stakeholders and do any work?
“Currently, patients cannot find ninety percent of the drugs they need to take in the hospital for months.
“You have been saying that medicine will come every week for months, but there is no medicine except for the ten-day medicines you collect from the market and expire immediately.
“Patients are trying to buy the drugs with their own money, which increases the cost by 37 percent. Sure, if they can find it…
“Health is in complete disrepair”.