Former Health Minister Queries Hospital Donation Campaign

North Cyprus News - Filiz Besim
Former Health Minister
Filiz Besim

Former Health Minister Filiz Besim has questioned the Ministry of Health’s donation campaign to raise money to restore fire-damaged wards at Nicosia State Hospital.

In a post on social media, Besim asked if the hospital was insured and for what purpose were the donations being used.

If the hospital is insured, the Ministry is committing a crime”, she said.

The Ministry of Health launched a 5 TL donation campaign for the hospital fire via GSM operators. Hospitals and equipment are insured. The insurance company must pay for the damage for this fire. So what is this donation for? We have to know if it is for a new hospital or hospital projects. No, if this is an attempt to protect the insurance companies whose millions of lira are paid every year, then the Ministry of Health is committing a crime”, Besim’s post read.

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