Hunting Season Starts Sunday

North Cyprus News - Hunter with shotgunThe main hunting season starts on Sunday. Hunters will be able to hunt for 11 days in total until January 3.

In the statement made by the Ministry of Interior, hunting starts on 25 October and continues on 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 November. It was noted that hunting continues on 6, 13, 20 and 27 December 2020 and 3 January 2021.

Hunting licenses should be valid until July 31, 2021 and that hunting with old hunting licenses was not permitted. Application should be made to the District Governorships to renew the hunting licenses.

The announcement also pointed out the rules that must be followed when hunting.

Hunting Rules

On hunting days, it was reminded that plain hare, partridge, turtle, pheasant, woodcock, quail, wild pigeon, fassa, song thrush, crow and magpie can be hunted, and no other game and wild birds can be hunted.

During the Great Hunting Season, a hunter can hunt a maximum of 40 game animals per hunting day, including a maximum of one rabbit, 5 partridges or turtle, 8 woodcock, 5 pheasants, 8 fassa and 20 chikla.

Hunting is permitted between sunrise and sunset. Hunters must keep a distance of at least 500 metres away from reservoirs and ponds.

Hunters must keep 200 metres away from residential areas and 300 metres away from picnic sites.

A maximum of three dogs are permitted to accompany a hunter.

When going hunting, rifles must be kept in the luggage compartment of vehicles and broken.




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