Kib-Tek Facing Fuel Shortage Again: CTP

[Salahi Şahiner – CTP]
Thursday, 23 June 

Kib-Tek has only two days of fuel left, CTP deputy Salahi Şahiner has said, Yeniduzen reported.

In a written statement, Şahiner said “At a time like this when the country is experiencing a fire disaster, it is only a matter of time before the country is plunged into darkness in the scorching heat“.

Şahiner said, “While we are trying to overcome all these troubles, a new crisis is waiting for us at the door“, adding that “Kıb-Tek’s fuel is about to run out and dark days are at the door because of someone’s love for TPIC*”.

In such a period when the country is experiencing a fire disaster, it is only a matter of time before it is plunged into darkness in the scorching heat. The reason is [Finance Minister] Mr. Olgun Amcaoğlu’s unbelievable insistence on supplying and transporting the fuel that Kıb-Tek needs ”.

Salahi Şahiner claimed that TPIC, which is called a reliable company, could not find fuel and that they wanted to change the quality of the fuel. He stated that the reason for TPIC’s insistence was that the fuel supply to the country could be transported safely.  

However, as of today, CTP deputy Şahiner, who claimed that TPIC could not find fuel and ships, said, “Even if it finds fuel, it does not meet the quality standards we want”.

North Cyprus News - Teknecik Power Plant
[Teknecik Power Plant – File Photo]


In other words, a government that does not know what it is doing so that TPIC can buy fuel cheaply and sell it dearly to Kıb-Tek, will damage our power plants, poison our people and our environment, and try to bring them to a standard, step by step following the path followed by Mr. Arıklı. We are facing the UBP”.

Şahiner went on to say that “if the government continues to repeat the same mistakes consistently, it will be a decision, not a mistake“, adding, “The burden is on you. These people will surely ask you to account for this one day“.

*Turkish Petroleum International Corporation




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