Lack of Investment Blamed For Power Cuts

North Cyprus News - Kib-Tek Power Station
[Teknecik Power Station]
Wednesday, 18 January 2023 

The Chairman of Kib-Tek’s Board of Directors, Huseyin Pasha, has called for investments to be made in the state-own electricity authority, Kibris Postasi reports.

He said that constant interruptions to power supply were because of malfunctions in machinery.

Pasha stated that when fully functioning, Kib-Tek’s Teknecik power station should produce 310 megawatts of electricity and Turkish-owned AKSA should produce 140 megawatts, however, only 302 megawatts of power are produced in total because of problems at both power stations.

It is anticipated that next month, the country will need 370 megawatts, while all the time power cuts continue.

Reports say that the gas turbine supplied by Turkey is not fit for purpose because it overheats in summertime.

The gas turbine cannot operate at full capacity during the hot weather. Additionally, the turbine which consumes 5,500 litres of fuel per hour, is currently out of order.

These are long-standing problems brought about by lack of investment and the purchasing of poor grade fuel and machine oils.

Secretary General of El-Sen Ahmet Tuğcu said that investment to produce a further 120 megawatts of power was required.

He went on to emphasise that his union had put a lot of pressure on those concerned, and that maintenance has begun and spare parts have arrived.

Meanwhile, the general view is that the government has made little comment about the state of the electricity authority.

Kibris Postasi



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