Leaders Meet To Formulate Emergency Aid Package

North Cyprus News - Party Leaders MeetingA meeting was held this morning at the Prime Ministry by leaders of all political parties represented in parliament, to discuss the implementation of an emergency measure package. This aims to give financial support to people who have lost their jobs because of the pandemic or who were unable to work because their place of employment was closed down in line with emergency rules.

The meeting was proposed by CTP leader Tufan Erhürman to coordinate with the emergency desk to manage the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.

Attending the meeting were CTP President Tufan Erhürman, YDP President, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Erhan Arıklı, DP leader and Tourism and Environment Minister Fikri Ataoğlu, HP leader Kudret Özersay and TDP General Secretary Dr. Halil Hızal, Minister of Finance Dursun Oğuz and Medical Biology and Genetic Medicine Specialist Prof. Dr. Nedime Serakıncı.

Minister of Economy Erhan Arıklı said, “We can call this the emergency measures package, followed by other packages immediately. This is an economic package prepared to reduce the economic impact created by the lockdown. After that, we will add other packages to the agenda. This problem will extend over a very long period, the pandemic will continue in 2021, and in this context, we need to take short, medium and long term measures. The full name of this package will be ‘Emergency Measures Package’”.




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