The commemoration ceremony held at the Atatürk Cultural Centre (AKM) in Nicosia as part of the 21 December Martyrs’ Week turned awkward when Martyr Families and Disabled Veterans Association President Gürsel Benan lambasted President Ersin Tatar who was at the ceremony, for failing to fund the upkeep of the martyrs graves, Yeniduzen reports.
Gursel Benan who took the stage at the ceremony, said that from past to present, the Presidency has issued a payment for the upkeep of the martyrs’ graves, but President Ersin Tatar had put a stop to this; “Neither Talat, nor Eroğlu nor Akıncı did this to our martyrs“, he said.
Benan said, “I am ashamed, my martyr, I am ashamed. I am ashamed of the politicians who do not take care of you. Your homeland, nation and flag literature is no longer premium in this country”.
President Tatar, who took the podium after Benan made his speech, said that “the north of Cyprus is a democratic place” adding that, “Anyone can speak as they wish, but on a day like this, such a speech should not be made, it is a shame“, reminding Benan that the local elections will be held on Sunday.
Reportedly, some of the guests at the ceremony told Yeniduzen that Tatar had called Benan “dishonourable” while he was giving his speech and that he had complained to the Turkish Ambassador to Nicosia and the military command about Benan’s outburst.