MEP Suggests Solution To Vaccine Certificate Issues


North Cyprus News - Kizilyürek Niyazi - MEP
[Niyazi Kizilyürek – MEP]
EU member of parliament Niyazi Kızılyürek, has proposed the idea of a ‘digital platform’ to overcome the internationally recognised problem of Turkish Cypriots’ vaccination certificates.

Calling on the South Cyprus government to act, Kızılyürek said, “The pandemic that the world is experiencing should not be a factor that separates us, but unites us with solidarity and cooperation“.

Stating that progress should be made in good faith and solution-oriented, Kızılyürek wanted to create an opportunity for individual applications with a web portal to be created, instead of asking the bi-communal negotiation committees for the Turkish Cypriots’ data.

Explaining that if a ‘digital platform’ is created, Turkish Cypriots can enter data individually adding that, “In this way, both citizens living in Cyprus and abroad will be able to access this platform from anywhere and enter their data. EU Digital will have the opportunity to have a COVID Certificate. Rather than asking for the data of the Cypriots living in the north of the island, it would be much more accurate to create a system where these people will directly enter their data. There is a way to overcome a humanitarian problem without making any of the Cypriot citizens suffer. The necessary initiatives to this end will also be taken by me”, he said.




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