Armağan Candan, representing the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), addressed a session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) General Assembly in Strasbourg yesterday, where the report and draft resolution on the Maraş issue were discussed.
According to information received from Armağan Candan, the decision based on the report of PACE rapporteur Italian MP Piero Fassino (Decision No. 2563, 2024) was discussed in yesterday’s PACE General Assembly session and was adopted by a majority vote. The Turkish delegation voted against the decision.
In his speech at yesterday’s session in Strasbourg, Candan pointed out that the report and decision discussed in the PACE General Assembly focused on the Maraş(Varosha) issue, but the Cyprus issue has many different dimensions, such as the isolation imposed on Turkish Cypriots in areas like trade, transportation, education, communication, travel, and sports. He stated, “In this regard, it is now time to focus on a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus issue instead of focusing solely on Maraş“.
Candan noted that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had appointed a Personal Representative to restart negotiations aimed at a political solution to the Cyprus issue. He said, “All relevant parties, including the Council of Europe and PACE, should support the efforts of the UN Secretary-General and try to help the two sides in Cyprus find a solution to the ongoing Cyprus issue“.
Candan emphasised that the recent rapprochement process and the progress seen in good neighbourly relations between Turkey and Greece are “of great importance not only for the two countries but also for Cyprus and the entire region“.
Highlighting the need for cooperation and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean, Armağan Candan said, “The key to this is achieving a permanent solution to the Cyprus issue“.
Candan pointed out that the exploitation of natural gas resources in Cyprus provides “a very important area of cooperation” not only between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots but also among neighbouring countries. He stressed the importance of focusing on potential areas of cooperation to prepare a better future for future generations.
Armağan Candan said, “The Immovable Property Commission is working effectively, and the European Court of Human Rights decisions acknowledge this fact“.
Candan stated, “As it stands, the Maraş issue can be addressed as part of Confidence Building Measures that would benefit both communities, which could help bring the two sides in Cyprus closer together. Otherwise, it will be addressed within the framework of a comprehensive solution“.